

Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈

Wednesday, June 21st, 2023

I just concluded some minor website improvements, and it seems that time of year again to celebrate who we are. I am incredibly proud of our community and every member that stays strong in this crisis. Transgender rights in the United States are being stripped away at a rapid rate. We need to do better and support everyone’s rights because that’s what the United States was supposed to be built on. Not picking and choosing whose rights to give and whom to take. I hope you are all safe and having a spectacular pride month!

Happy Pride Month!

Wednesday, May 25th, 2022

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy pride month! I am so glad to be a part of this amazing and loving community. Probably new website updates to come out soon as I will have more availability. Love you all, so much have a great rest of your day!

Website Renovation!

Sunday, August 15th, 2021

Hello, I have fully renovated the design of the website. If you spot a bug, please let me know through the contact form. Junior year is going to be academically challenging for me with 3 A.P classes, so there probably won’t be any updates until next summer. I hope you are doing well and are transitioning to in-person school successfully. I know the last year has been a lot, but we can get through this. Thanks so much, and I hope you have a great rest of your day!

Website Update!

Wednesday, March 24th, 2021

Hello! Currently, I am working on my website again, so if you see a color change or something shifting around, that is me actively changing code. Because of this, my website might temporarily be buggy. This work will happen for the next few days. I hope everyone is having an exceptional year so far, and I hope we can soon return to non-covid life.

New Custom Built Website!

Friday, January 1st, 2021

Welcome to my brand new site! I have custom-built most of the website. I also finally upgraded from the WordPress site. If you were here from my old WordPress site, things should look familiar as I wanted a smooth transition from the old site. My old WordPress site is being shut down and fully replaced by this one. If you have any suggestions or want to contact me, use the contact page. Thanks so much to all and I hope the start of this new year holds better than last. Have a great rest of your day!

About Me

Headshot of Me

I am currently attending Oregon State University as a sophmore. I hope to receive a masters degree in computer science. Some hobbies of mine include coding, electronics, computer building, and video games. In this blog, I will discuss website maintenance and updates on my life.

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